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BOOK TRAILER: Dr. Clara Ackerman Branon, Ph.D., 58, is having the first of many home visits from holographic representations of five beings from the Many Worlds Collective (MWC), a consortium of planet and star systems all around the multiverse, over a thirty-year, increasingly Utopian period. Earth is being invited to join, formally, and the December, 2012, visit is the first one allowed to be made public. Making the existence of the MWC public means many Earthers have to adjust our beliefs and ideas about life, religion, culture, identity and, well, everything we think and are. Clara becomes the liaison for Earth, the Chief Communicator, between Earth and the MWC. This Changes Everything relates the events partly from her point of view, partly from records of meetings of varying groups of the MWC governing bodies, and partly from her Media Contact, Esperanza Enlaces, employing humor, poignancy, a love story, family issues, MWC’s mistakes and blunders, history, politics, paranormalcy and hope. Are YOU ready for the changes?
This Changes Everything, Volume I, The Spanners Series, now PERMAFREE! Volume II now on sale!
BOOK TRAILER: Earth's first five years of The Transition in the Many Worlds Collective by teen and young/new adult Earthers related to Clara Branon, Chief Communicator/liaison, Clara's early life, and the ongoing love story between her and Epifanio Dang. Sci-fi/ romance/paranormal/multiverse/utopian speculative fiction, "This Changes My Family and My Life Forever" is Volume II of "The Spanners Series."