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Sally Ember, Ed.D.

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Releases TODAY and TOMORROW, 6/8 and 6/9/14!

This Changes My Family and My Life Forever -  Sally Ember

Last day for Pre-orders for Volume II, , on Smashwords, nook, iBooks and Kobo; already on sale on Amazon @$3.99 and about to be on sale everywhere at that price!  Get it NOW for @$1.99! 

Links on: http://www.sallyember.com

This Changes Everything -  Sally Ember

BOOK TRAILER: Dr. Clara Ackerman Branon, Ph.D., 58, is having the first of many home visits from holographic representations of five beings from the Many Worlds Collective (MWC), a consortium of planet and star systems all around the multiverse, over a thirty-year, increasingly Utopian period. Earth is being invited to join, formally, and the December, 2012, visit is the first one allowed to be made public. Making the existence of the MWC public means many Earthers have to adjust our beliefs and ideas about life, religion, culture, identity and, well, everything we think and are. Clara becomes the liaison for Earth, the Chief Communicator, between Earth and the MWC. This Changes Everything relates the events partly from her point of view, partly from records of meetings of varying groups of the MWC governing bodies, and partly from her Media Contact, Esperanza Enlaces, employing humor, poignancy, a love story, family issues, MWC’s mistakes and blunders, history, politics, paranormalcy and hope. Are YOU ready for the changes?


This Changes Everything, Volume I, The Spanners Series, now PERMAFREE! Volume II now on sale!

This Changes My Family and My Life Forever -  Sally Ember

BOOK TRAILER: Earth's first five years of The Transition in the Many Worlds Collective by teen and young/new adult Earthers related to Clara Branon, Chief Communicator/liaison, Clara's early life, and the ongoing love story between her and Epifanio Dang. Sci-fi/ romance/paranormal/multiverse/utopian speculative fiction, "This Changes My Family and My Life Forever" is Volume II of "The Spanners Series."

"This Changes Everything" Volume I, "The Spanners Series" now on Kindle!

The Heroes of Olympus - Book Four The House of Hades (Heroes of Olympus, The)

The House of Hades - Rick Riordan Good place to end and prepare for next Volume. I did get tired of the endless battles and monsters, but Riordan does his research and myth-lovers will appreciate the details.

Sylvia Day Crossfire Series Boxed Set: Bared to You/Reflected in You/Entwined with You

Crossfire Boxed Set - Sylvia Day Couldn't get it to just be the third book, not the boxed set. Weird. I'm reading "Entwined in You" almost out of spite, just to see if she improves. So far, not.

Accused: A Rosato & Associates Novel (Rosato and Associates)

Accused - Lisa Scottoline Not the best in this very good series. Couldn't really read it all. Didn't keep my attention.

Insurgent (Divergent)

Insurgent - Veronica Roth Very odd place to end the 2nd book. Since third book is out and I'm on the list for getting it, I'll let you know how that picks up. I still think this author is too caught up in the flaws and not enough in the strengths of her characters.

This Changes Everything (The Spanners Series, #1)

This Changes Everything -  Sally Ember Book clubs, teachers, librarians: Free ebooks (contact me for coupon code before 12/20/13) from author for your participants/students! TCE is a great discussion-starter and research-inspiration for upper-reading level middle/high school students and college students as well as adults interested in these topics: history, politics, sociology, behavioral neuroscience, psychology, paranormal/psychic abilities, gender/sexual orientation identities, religion (Buddhism, Judaism, Christianity), social change, utopia, multiverse/ multiple timelines, interspecies communication and many other subjects. First 100 to request it get FREE ebooks for all participants. Others by request. Author (experienced educator) will also co-develop discussion questions/curricula, visit in person or interact online with participants (when possible). Contact: sallyember@yahoo.com or visit website: http://www.sallyember.com and check out excerpts, TOC and more about "The Spanners Series." Spread the word! Would prefer leaders/teachers purchase at least one ebook copy, but not required. and, now on iBooks: https://itunes.apple.com/us/book/this-changes-everything/id746840776?mt=11&ls=1


Divergent - Veronica Roth Great first in the series. Ready for Book II, and I have it today!

Deeper in You: A Crossfire Novel

Reflected in You - Sylvia Day interesting twists in the run up to the climax (pun intended) that make this not a 1-star book. But, really: just so repetitive and the characters are so dismally dysfunctional. Not sure if I'll make myself read third one. We'll see.

Golden Threads

Golden Threads - Kay Hooper, Staci Snell This got a lot worse as it went along. Not one of Kay's best. Very over-blown, overly dramatic, cliche after cliche. Really overdid it on the similes, and everything was a crisis or "so important" that nothing was. Couldn't finish it.

Critical Mass (V.I. Warshawski Novel)

Critical Mass - Sara Paretsky not sure I'll read this entire book; not big on WW II novels. But, it's a new V.I. Warsharsky modern story mixed with the historical, so we'll see.

The Light Between Oceans: A Novel

The Light Between Oceans: A Novel - M.L. Stedman Couldn't sustain my interest, even though it is well-written. Plot and characters just didn't do it for me.

Me Before You: A Novel

Me Before You - Jojo Moyes Just finished "Me before You" by JoJo Moyes. One of the most memorable books I've ever read. Highly recommend it. Haunting, odd, important issues, memorable characters, good-to-great writing. Bring tissues.

Bared to You: A Crossfire Novel

Bared to You - Sylvia Day Mildly interested in where this goes in Volume II, but finding it very repetitive and not all that interesting, plot-wise. Started out with better writing, but then deteriorated rapidly. A lot of sex, but even that is repetitive. "Mind-blowing" can only be used so often....

Also, I feel a lot of sorrow at how psychologically damaged this author and/or her circle must be to create so many horribly traumatized characters.

Furthermore, inciting me to anger, is Day's depiction of the therapist. This therapist is unethical, unprofessional and ill-conceived: no well-trained, conscious therapist would treat two clients as individuals AND as a couple nor would s/he take either of them on at all when s/he is already treating one of their mothers! I'm horrified that people reading this might believe this is the way therapy is done.

WORSE, when this therapist is asked by the main character: Can two sexual abuse survivors can have a successful romantic relationship?" Without missing a beat or asking a question, this therapist just answers, "Yes." Abominable writing, untrue representation, terribly misleading to readers who themselves are likely right in this category themselves.

I realize this is supposed to be a book about sex, sex and more sex (which it is), but if the author is putting other topics into the so-called plot and characters' lives, isn't it irresponsible to do it so poorly?

I think authors must realize how many of their readers BELIEVE what they write to be "true" even if the characters and situations are fictional. Day should take better care of her readers and pay attention to the expectations they develop based on her work.

Rant over.